Growth & Lending

Revolving Credit

Revolving Credit offers more flexibility to your members and reduces administrative burden for your staff

A Revolving Credit Loan is a flexible line of credit which offers more choice when it comes to lending. Instead of applying for multiple small or top-up loans, Credit Union members can apply for one larger loan and have the option to draw down as much or as little as they wish over a specified period of time (typically three years).

Revolving Credit loans increase your loan book and drastically reduce the amount of admin and paperwork your staff need to complete.

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One of the best financial products I’ve ever had and no other financial institution has had anything like it.

Everything from the online to the counter experience is brilliant, would highly recommend it to everyone.


Member of Tipperary Credit Union

The value of Revolving Credit

Reduced paperwork for the Credit Union

As only one, larger loan is issued, this reduces the amount of paperwork required.

Better flexibility for the member in borrowing

Your members can access funds as they need them, without having to go through the loan application process more than once.

Interest charged on a smaller loan amount

Your members are only charged interest on the portion of the loan that has been issued.

Self-service online loan product

Once the loan has been created your members can access the loan immediately from their online banking or mobile app.

Cost savings

Only one credit check is performed for your member, no matter how many times they draw down their loan, saving your Credit Union money and providing a positive experience for your member.

Revolving Credit has already generated huge efficiencies for our Credit Union by reducing the amount of admin and paperwork our staff need to complete by approximately 70%. This also means less paperwork for our members to complete, providing them with a quick and seamless experience to get credit”

Brendan Ryan

IT Manager

Tipperary Credit Union Limited

Tipperary Credit Union expands loan book with €800,000 in Revolving Credit drawdowns

Tipperary Credit Union offers a variety of financial products and services to its members, including top-up loans. The Credit Union noticed that its manual processes for managing and administering these types of loans were time-consuming and prone to errors. To address these challenges, Tipperary Credit Union worked with Wellington IT and other Credit Unions to help build a revolving credit solution.

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Tipperary Credit Union expands loan book with €800,000 in Revolving Credit drawdowns Featured Image
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